If your SuperFlow® 350 regulator, has a damaged or oxidized Exhaust Flange, KMDSI has a SuperFlow® 350 Flange Kit, Part #525-027 available.
The kit consists of a replaceable flange, a rubber gasket, and two screws. This makes it easy to repair your regulator body in the event the flange is damaged or oxidized. This change does not affect the breathing performance of the regulator.
While installing your new P/N 525-027 Flange Kit, take advantage of your regulator being out of your helmet or BandMask and replace the Regulator Exhaust Valve, P/N 510-552.
Click HERE to see the Kirby Morgan instructions for this kit.
Reseller Restriction
This item is reseller restricted. Call us at 206-784-5050 or email to purchase.
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