The SL17C helmet is available with either the 455 Balanced Regulator or the Superflow 350 Regulator. Both versions of the SL17C sell for the same price.
Recommended Lubricants:
All helmets and masks are lubricated at the factory with Christo-Lube®. Kirby Morgan recommends Christo-Lube® or Tribolube® for all gas train components. Dow Corning® 111 Silicone or equivalent may be used for helmet and mask components that are used with gas mixtures containing less than 50% oxygen.
Reseller Restriction
This item is reseller restricted. Call us at 206-784-5050 or email to purchase. Images of Kirby Morgan Helmets, Masks, or logos are registered trademarks or Kirby Morgan Dive Systems Inc.® Used with permission.
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