Fins and Fin Strap

Fins and Fin Strap XS

 Tusa Fins and Spring straps by XS Scuba and Scubapro are being sold at reduced prices… Available Fin models are: Tusa Expert Zoom Z3-15 Tusa Tri-Ex SF6 XS Scuba Universal Spring Straps, FP-08, FP-10 & FP-12 Scubapro Tight Grip, Limited to stock on hand. Contact us for available sizes and colors.  

HM300 Light or Camera Bracket for Kirby Morgan® Helmets & BandMasks

HM300 Light or Camera Bracket for Kirby Morgan® Helmets & BandMasks

These stainless steel Helmet Brackets are suitable for mounting either Cameras or Lights to Kirby Morgan® diving helmets and BandMasks. These brackets are mounted to the Port Retainer using the Plug Screw which does not screw into a Port Retainer Insert.  Contact us today for information about new Commercial Diving Equipment, Used Commercial Diving Equipment and/or Kirby Morgan Helmets!

BROCO® Prime-Cut® PLUS Cutting Rods

BROCO® Prime-Cut® PLUS Cutting Rods

Broco’s new patent-pending Prime-Cut® PLUS Advanced Design cutting rods offer the same Broco quality, now with 20% longer burn time and 25% more cutting per rod. This means less rod changes, less heat loss between changes, and more Broco high performance output. New Broco Prime-Cut® PLUS cutting rods are now available in 3/8″ diameter in […]

BROCO® PC/A-20 Port-A-Kut Exothermic Torch Set

BROCO® PC/A-20 Port-A-Kut Exothermic Torch Set

Broco’s new patent-pending Prime-Cut® PLUS Advanced Design cutting rods offer the same Broco quality, now with 20% longer burn time and 25% more cutting per rod. That means less rod changes, less heat loss between changes, and more Broco high performance output. A complete kit that includes gloves, goggles, 20 foot hose and cable with […]

Cavidyne Caviblaster Model 1622-D

Cavidyne Caviblaster Model 1622-D

The increased flow generates a higher rate of cavitation bubbles than the smaller Model 1222 unit for faster, more efficient cleaning. Available with diesel power or electric and either skid mount or four wheel cart configuration. Click here for Specifications Sheet Contact us for pricing and shipping lead times. Contact us today for information about […]

Kirby Morgan® Side Block Rebuild Kit (Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks)

Kirby Morgan® Side Block Rebuild Kit (Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks)

Below (in blue) is a link to a KMDSI document showing the parts that are included in Kirby Morgan’s Side Block Rebuild Kit for Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks:   P/N 525-311 Reseller Restriction This item is reseller restricted. Call us at 206-784-5050 or email to purchase. Images of Kirby Morgan Helmets, Masks, or logos are registered trademarks… […]

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